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  1. Brands
  2. Zeiss
  3. Photography
  4. SLR Lenses
  5. Milvus

Zeiss Milvus 1.4/35
ZF Nikon Fit

Perfect for every occasion. With a wide 35 mm focal length, this lens opens up a world of possibilities. From making your portrait subject stand out against the background to capturing high-precision architectural detail and detailed landscape photography – the choice is yours.

From portraits to architecture and landscape photography – the detail provided by this lens never fails to impress. Edge to edge chromatic aberrations are almost completely eliminated. With 14 elements in 11 groups, the cutting-edge ZEISS Distagon lens already ensures outstanding edge-to-edge imagery detail, even at full aperture.

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Perfect for every occasion. With a wide 35 mm focal length, this lens opens up a world of possibilities. From making your portrait subject stand out against the background to capturing high-precision architectural detail and detailed landscape photography – the choice is yours.

From portraits to architecture and landscape photography – the detail provided by this lens never fails to impress. Edge to edge chromatic aberrations are almost completely eliminated. With 14 elements in 11 groups, the cutting-edge ZEISS Distagon lens already ensures outstanding edge-to-edge imagery detail, even at full aperture.

Description Quantity
iM2075 Flight Case1
Back Cap1
72mm Lens Cap1
72mm UV Filter1
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  • Zeiss Milvus 1.4/35