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  1. Brands
  2. Zeiss
  3. Photography
  4. SLR Lenses
  5. Milvus

Zeiss Milvus 2.8/18
ZE Canon Fit

Be it stylish interiors, majestic landscapes or tumbling waterfalls, the super wide-angle ZEISS Milvus 2.8/18 lens loves to capture dramatic vistas. Just like you.

This compact super wide-angle lens is perfect for capturing majestic landscapes and architectural marvels. Its unique visual field offers you plenty of scope for creativity when composing your images. Get up real close and create the feeling that you are at the heart of the action. Expand the depth of field of your image or make an object really stand out. The high-performance ZEISS Milvus 2.8/18 ensures impressive image quality across the entire image field and enables you to capture unique shots wherever you go.

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Be it stylish interiors, majestic landscapes or tumbling waterfalls, the super wide-angle ZEISS Milvus 2.8/18 lens loves to capture dramatic vistas. Just like you.

This compact super wide-angle lens is perfect for capturing majestic landscapes and architectural marvels. Its unique visual field offers you plenty of scope for creativity when composing your images. Get up real close and create the feeling that you are at the heart of the action. Expand the depth of field of your image or make an object really stand out. The high-performance ZEISS Milvus 2.8/18 ensures impressive image quality across the entire image field and enables you to capture unique shots wherever you go.

Description Quantity
iM2075 Flight Case1
Back Cap1
77mm Lens Cap1
77mm U/V Filter1
Milvus 2.8/18 Lens Hood1
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