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  1. Brands
  2. Zeiss
  3. Photography
  4. SLR Lenses
  5. Milvus

Zeiss Milvus 1.4/50
ZF Nikon Fit

This focal length is the ideal tool for imaging real-life situations – whether it is the hustle and bustle of a busy road, the intimacy of a portrait or the wonders of nature. It is always in quest of those real and unadulterated perspectives. The ZEISS Milvus 1.4/50 is a versatile focal length that meets even the highest standards.

The redesigned ZEISS Milvus 1.4/50 corresponds to the perspective of the human eye on full-frame cameras and can therefore be used for many different purposes. In other words, it is a lens of many talents. Realistic imaging of three-dimensional objects is guaranteed at all times. Despite its high speed, the advanced ZEISS Distagon optical design ensures outstanding imagery across the entire image field – even at full aperture.

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This focal length is the ideal tool for imaging real-life situations – whether it is the hustle and bustle of a busy road, the intimacy of a portrait or the wonders of nature. It is always in quest of those real and unadulterated perspectives. The ZEISS Milvus 1.4/50 is a versatile focal length that meets even the highest standards.

The redesigned ZEISS Milvus 1.4/50 corresponds to the perspective of the human eye on full-frame cameras and can therefore be used for many different purposes. In other words, it is a lens of many talents. Realistic imaging of three-dimensional objects is guaranteed at all times. Despite its high speed, the advanced ZEISS Distagon optical design ensures outstanding imagery across the entire image field – even at full aperture.

Description Quantity
iM2075 Flight Case1
Back Cap1
67mm Lens Cap1
67mm U/V Filter1
Lens Packaging Note1
1.4/50 Milvus hood1
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