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  1. Brands
  2. Zeiss
  3. Photography
  4. SLR Lenses
  5. Milvus

Zeiss Milvus 2/100M
ZE Canon Fit

Whether in its role as a high-precision reproduction lens for technical applications or as a traditional, moderate tele-lens for portraits with shallow depth of field, the ZEISS Milvus 2/100M allows you to delve into both worlds.

The ZEISS Milvus 2/100M of the type ZEISS Makro-Planar is currently the fastest 100 mm macro lens on the market and closes the gap between long range and breathtaking close-up shots. This lens bridges distances and allows unique image compositions. This lens is ideal when you need some distance between your camera and your subject, e.g.during a portrait shoot. Its precise mechanical components with a large focus throw permit precise control which is particularly important for macro photography in the close-up range.

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Whether in its role as a high-precision reproduction lens for technical applications or as a traditional, moderate tele-lens for portraits with shallow depth of field, the ZEISS Milvus 2/100M allows you to delve into both worlds.

The ZEISS Milvus 2/100M of the type ZEISS Makro-Planar is currently the fastest 100 mm macro lens on the market and closes the gap between long range and breathtaking close-up shots. This lens bridges distances and allows unique image compositions. This lens is ideal when you need some distance between your camera and your subject, e.g.during a portrait shoot. Its precise mechanical components with a large focus throw permit precise control which is particularly important for macro photography in the close-up range.

Description Quantity
67mm Lens Cap1
iM2075 Flight Case1
Rear Cap1
Milvus 2/100 Lens Hood1
67mm U/V Filter1
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