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  1. Brands
  2. Zeiss
  3. Photography
  4. SLR Lenses
  5. Milvus

Zeiss Milvus 2.8/21
ZE Canon Fit

It's in those situations when the horizon seems absolutely endless that ZEISS Milvus 2.8/21 is in its element. The super wide-angle lenses is ideal for photographing vast, far-stretching landscapes and breathtaking scenery.

The ZEISS Milvus 2.8/21 super wide-angle lens of the type ZEISS Distagon is the best in its class. Thanks to its maximum aperture of f/2.8, the reflection-free and practically distortion-free super wide-angle lens is perfect for spectacular image compositions of great diversity, dramatic contrast and vivid colors. The further optimization of the lens coating reduces ghosting and flare effects in critical light situations.

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It's in those situations when the horizon seems absolutely endless that ZEISS Milvus 2.8/21 is in its element. The super wide-angle lenses is ideal for photographing vast, far-stretching landscapes and breathtaking scenery.

The ZEISS Milvus 2.8/21 super wide-angle lens of the type ZEISS Distagon is the best in its class. Thanks to its maximum aperture of f/2.8, the reflection-free and practically distortion-free super wide-angle lens is perfect for spectacular image compositions of great diversity, dramatic contrast and vivid colors. The further optimization of the lens coating reduces ghosting and flare effects in critical light situations.

Description Quantity
iM2075 Flight Case1
Back Cap1
Front Cap1
Lens Hood Milvus 2.8/211
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