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  1. Brands
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  3. Photography
  4. SLR Lenses
  5. Otus

Zeiss Otus 1.4/55
ZF.2 Nikon Fit

With the unrivalled performance that sets all Otus® lenses apart from the rest, the ZEISS Otus 1.4/55 is the absolute measure of perfection when it comes to standard lenses. Now you never need to settle for less again.

Is a focal length of 55 mm always neither here nor there? A lacklustre lens somewhere between the excitement of super wides and the fascination of long teles? Not when it combines the more than 120 years of optical and mechanical excellence ZEISS is famous for throughout the world.

Experience the quality and look of medium format photography – with the ZEISS Otus 1.4/55. No matter whether you shoot in daylight or at night, close up or more distant subjects, people, objects or landscapes, this lens will simply take your breath away with its high resolution and outstanding sharpness in every photographic situation.


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With the unrivalled performance that sets all Otus® lenses apart from the rest, the ZEISS Otus 1.4/55 is the absolute measure of perfection when it comes to standard lenses. Now you never need to settle for less again.

Is a focal length of 55 mm always neither here nor there? A lacklustre lens somewhere between the excitement of super wides and the fascination of long teles? Not when it combines the more than 120 years of optical and mechanical excellence ZEISS is famous for throughout the world.

Experience the quality and look of medium format photography – with the ZEISS Otus 1.4/55. No matter whether you shoot in daylight or at night, close up or more distant subjects, people, objects or landscapes, this lens will simply take your breath away with its high resolution and outstanding sharpness in every photographic situation.

Description Quantity
iM2075 Flight Case1
Back Cap1
77mm Lens Cap1
Otus 1.4/55 Lens Hood1
77mm U/V Filter1
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