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Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 75mm 1:1.8

Any photo enthusiast interested or specialised in taking portraits and indoor shots will certainly reap the benefits of this high-performance prime lens. It delivers uncompromised image quality - even with a super-bright open aperture of 1:1.8 - standing out with crisp contrast, edge-to-edge precision, high resolution and low aberration.

Everything about this 75mm (150mm*) prime lens is high-precision - from its advanced assembling and polishing technology through to its high-grade optical performance and outstanding details in stills and movies. And on top of its impressive credentials, this lens is also remarkably compact and easy to handle.

*35mm equivalent focal length


  • Ultra-bright 1:1.8 aperture
  • Sophisticated, lightweight design
  • High-precision assembling technology
  • Robust full metal housing
  • Perfectly corrected chromatic and spherical aberration
  • Realizing nice circular bokeh without vignetting
  • MSC compatible: High-speed and silent AF
  • Comfortable MF


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Any photo enthusiast interested or specialised in taking portraits and indoor shots will certainly reap the benefits of this high-performance prime lens. It delivers uncompromised image quality - even with a super-bright open aperture of 1:1.8 - standing out with crisp contrast, edge-to-edge precision, high resolution and low aberration.

Everything about this 75mm (150mm*) prime lens is high-precision - from its advanced assembling and polishing technology through to its high-grade optical performance and outstanding details in stills and movies. And on top of its impressive credentials, this lens is also remarkably compact and easy to handle.

*35mm equivalent focal length


  • Ultra-bright 1:1.8 aperture
  • Sophisticated, lightweight design
  • High-precision assembling technology
  • Robust full metal housing
  • Perfectly corrected chromatic and spherical aberration
  • Realizing nice circular bokeh without vignetting
  • MSC compatible: High-speed and silent AF
  • Comfortable MF


Description Quantity
iM2050 Black Flight Case1
58mm U/V Filter1
Back Cap1
58mm Lens Cap1
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