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How do I place an order?

Use our live availability checker to find the equipment you need - select your first and last day of use as the start & end dates you require. The cost to hire (if any) will be automatically calculated for you, dependent on the dates you have chosen. When you’re happy, just add the items to your basket and checkout.

What do I get with the equipment?

You can find out what we provide for each individual model by clicking on the 'Included' tab on the product description page on our website. These items are also listed in the packing list detailed with your shipment.

Extra batteries, and selected accessories can be added to your order if required. Pricing for these items will be shown online for the dates you have chosen.

I’d like to trial need the equipment for longer, can it be extended?

Yes, your TrytheKit order can be extended for an additional incremental daily cost up-to a maximum of 7 days. Just choose dates to suit you at the time of booking and the system will calculate any additional charges applicable.

How do I amend or cancel a booking?

If you need to edit or cancel your order you can contact us via email at You can also call us on 0207 585 5122. Please note changes to bookings are subject to availability.

Can I take the equipment abroad?

Any intention to take the equipment outside of the UK must be notified in writing to Try The Kit prior to commencement of the hire and proof of return travel within the agreed hire period will be required. Try The Kit reserves the right to decline hire for any overseas use.

I want to compare two or more items, is this possible?

Yes, you can book multiple products, keep in mind you will be required to pay a deposit for each item. Please note: Customers are limited to a maximum of 4 items in a 6-month period.

The dates that I want aren’t available, what should I do?

The website offers live availability which means the availability shown for a particular product is accurate. If the item(s) you are interested in are unavailable, the calendar will give you the option to skip forward to the next available date.

I’m interested in equipment you don’t have in stock yet. What do I do?

If the item is on our website but we do not have stock yet, register your details on the waiting list. As soon as we have stock, we will contact you and let you know when the item is available to book.

Why am I being asked for a reason for hire?

The information provided in the reason for hire field helps determine the reason for the evaluation is genuine and the service is not being abused. Additionally, information provided can assist us in checking compatibility. Try The Kit reserve the right to refuse any bookings where this information has not been provided or is not deemed to be genuine.

I’ve been asked to provide further information, why is this?

We take a proactive approach to protect our customers from fraudulent activity, as part of this process we may ask you to provide further information including, but not limited to, previous and current address, photo ID, contact details, existing equipment and intended usage.

Try The Kit reserves the right to cancel the loan if it is not satisfied with the information provided, or believes the service is being used with disingenuous intent.


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