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Can I collect or return equipment from a click and collect location in person?

A. Yes! You can arrange to have your order delivered to anyone of our click and collect locations throughout the UK when you place your order.

When placing your order, click on ‘change’ to choose a different delivery address, then select ‘Or Collect From’ and search by postcode to see if there is a click and collect location nearby. A full list of our click and collect points can be found HERE

What time are Click & Collect orders ready for pickup?

A. The equipment should be available for collection from 1pm and during the Company's normal business hours. We recommend contacting your click & collect store to ensure the equipment is ready for you before you set off in case of any unexpected cirumstances.

Please note, you will be required to present a valid Photo ID (passport or driving license) before the equipment will be released to you.

When does the kit need to be back by?

A. You must return your hire to the click and collect location before 11am the morning after the last day of your hire. Please check with your individual click and collect location for any changes to opening hours. If you’re going to be late, please contact us on 0207 585 5122 to let us know. Goods returned after 11am will be liable for a failed collection charge and additional charges to cover the late return.

Can I drop back to a depot or Post Office?

A. Yes, often you can either drop back to your local APC depot or return to your local Post Office. We fully understand that it can be inconvenient to wait in for a courier, and dropping back yourself is often an ideal solution. Dropping back won't be suitable for all orders, but please feel free to discuss this with the Hire Team when they contact you to finalise your order details! You can find your nearest APC depot HERE, and locate your nearest Post Office HERE